Patient Information Resources

Robin Fuchs, MD
12911 120th Avenue NE, Suite H-210
Kirkland, WA 98034
Ph: 425-823-4000
Fax: 423-821-3550


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My son wants to go out for high school football as a walk-on. We've never let him play competitive sports because of a heart murmur. Is it possible he has outgrown this problem so it's safe to play now?

There are exercise restrictions for athletes who have any one of a wide range of heart problems. A heart murmur suggests one of the heart valves isn't closing tightly. A small amount of blood leaks back into the heart instead of moving forward into the next chamber.

Most people don't outgrow valve problems. The only way to really know is to have your son evaluated by a medical doctor. He would need a preparticipation physical exam anyway. Be sure and mention your concern to the physician so it's not easily overlooked.

There may be some physical restrictions that would keep him from training for football. It's possible your son's condition only requires careful following.


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