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Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy
245 North College

Lafayette, LA 70506
Ph: 337.232.5301
Fax: 337.237.6504

Child Orthopedics
Pain Management
Spine - Cervical
Spine - General
Spine - Lumbar
Spine - Thoracic

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My 10-year-old daughter has been complaining of back pain. She seems very young to be having such pain. Is there a chance that it is something serious?

While back pain in children is on the rise in the United States, greater than half of the cases are due to physical stressors and are nothing serious. That being said, you should follow up with a physician to make sure that there is nothing sinister happening and for your daughter’s symptom relief. If it is simply caused by a physical stressor (such as wearing her back pack) she should follow up with a physical therapist for strengthening and symptom improvement.


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