Patient Information Resources

Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy
245 North College

Lafayette, LA 70506
Ph: 337.232.5301
Fax: 337.237.6504

Child Orthopedics
Pain Management
Spine - Cervical
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Spine - Lumbar
Spine - Thoracic

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I'm concerned about my aging parents. They tell the doctor everything's fine, but I can see problems. They are starting to do less and less. Is there a test that can be done to show what they really need?

There is a danger in relying on a patient's own report of his or her abilities. Patients may not recognize a decline in physical function. Or if they see the change, they may not think it's a problem. Tests to measure performance and physical function are available. Such tests may help identify problems earlier and more often than self-report by the patient.

A physical therapist can carry out tests of strength, balance, motion, and coordination. Finding out what changes have occurred in the patient's daily activities will help guide the therapist. A program to regain lost skills or prevent decline of current skills is important for all aging adults.


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