Can you tell me how homeopathic treatments might be able to help me with my back pain? I’ve had several friends who swear by these treatments. But they aren’t covered by my insurance. I’m a little hesitant to try them.

The practice of homeopathy was founded by a German physician (Samuel Hahnemann) in the late 1700s. He discovered that by giving substances called remedies to healthy people, he could produce certain symptoms.

Then he took those substances and diluted them down and gave them to patients with the same symptoms. The effect of taking a small amount of the remedy was to alleviate or reduce the patient’s symptoms.

More and more people are seeking non-traditional care for their health concerns. People suffering from chronic back pain who have not been helped by traditional treatment may seek out homeopathic treatment.

There aren’t very many studies comparing homeopathy to other treatments. And the studies that are being done are conducted in other countries with publication in languages other than English. There is a definite need for further investigation into the mechanisms, effects, and safety of homeopathic remedies.